Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Mad Props on Monday
slightly late this week...oops!
This week the mad prop goes to DC for all the fun free things to do AND the fabulous unseasonably warm fall weather to enjoy some of those things that are outside! You may have heard about the free amazing National Zoo in DC. You may think that the giant pandas are the attraction to see...they seem to get lots of hype. But let me tell you a secret. The coolest thing in the zoo is the lions. My first zoo trip they were walking around roaring and strutting. This past Sunday on my walk they were basking in the sun and posing for photos. They are really fun to watch and you feel like you are getting to hang out with them.

Sunday, November 27, 2011
In case you don't know me. I am a creature of habit and tradition. I don't love change. It's probably one of the reasons I love Christmas so much. There are traditions. I won't tell you right now about all of them, of course that would take too long, but among my favorite is creating a space for devotion and prayer and singing with these amazing girls in Houston (sorry Megan...1) your face is covered by the candle 2) you + me in my heart always = Houston). It's one tradition I hope doesn't fade away any time soon. I'm so excited that we are skyping in a few hours to kick off the season!

Let us begin Advent, waiting.
Getting up and joining the adventure,
Even when we don’t know where it will take us.
Shifting the impatient waiting to expectant living.
Boldly claiming the Good News that we know will come.
Waiting with joy as we reach out with the grace of God that is so much more than amazing.
Let us begin Advent.
Monday, November 21, 2011
Mad Props on Monday...

Taylor! This was the first place Kristen took me out to eat in DC. Her fav and no one questions why. It's a regular lunch spot for us (sometimes more regular than others) and their sandwiches are oh so yummy. I recommend the Island Ave. It will not disappoint.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
free parking.
Have you ever been given something free?
Absolutely free, no strings attached, you did nothing to deserve it?
On Friday when going to grab coffee (hot chocolate, because I still don't drink coffee. yes i'm an adult) with my dear friend, Kaci, who has known me deeply since high school. Her family is like mine and mine is like hers. It's been fun to live close to her again...back to the story.
I was going around the block, circling and looking for parking. I didn't want to pay for parking. I don't like paying to park. I couldn't find a spot so I gave up and decided we'd just park in front of the spot and I resigned that I would pay...we'd only be there about an hour.
We're getting out of the car, the car in front of mines' driver was walking up and getting into his car. I opened my door and he ran up to me and gave me his parking receipt, good until 5:01. It was 3:30! FREE PARKING. I felt like I had just landed on the space in monopoly. I did not know this kind man. I was so excited. I literally remarked, "He just made my day!" I realize it's really like $1.50 but it was a gift, unexpected, unnecessary, unmerited.
Today at church the teacher was talking about how we work so hard for our Fathers love. We often won't just accept it. He was using the analogy of the prodigal son, journeying home. He was tired. Dirty. Stinky. Disheveled. His father ran to him. Kissed him. He embraced the son. I immediately realized sometimes I just need to let my tired, stinky, dirty, disheveled self be embraced by the Father and enjoy Him, like I did so quickly this free parking; instead of trying to earn or understand the how and why behind His love and prove that I'm worthy of it.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
E is for...
enjoying the fall. here's some things I've been up to...
embarking. i embarked on a journey to create this bouquet for my sisters wedding.
(bah! i can't get this underline to go away...sorry!)
eva! i love these shots of her getting ready for the wedding...oops!
you may not want to watch a 3 year old and make a broach boquet...just fyi.
engaging. Had fun with the ladies of my family and Eli's Mom praying for the future of the fam.
encouragement. I was so blessed to get to spend time with the Hawkins in October. I love them and it was so refreshing to be with people I know and love...man I have amazing friends, just wish we all lived closer.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Mad Props on Monday...
this weeks mad prop goes to....
the franciscan monestary. it's a beautiful little spot. a hidden gem of quiet and has great landscaping. it's not far from my house, so it's easy to escape here to read, journal, wander, and think. it's not often visited by as many people as some other local attractions. this picture is from the summer, i want to go re-visit it soon, before it gets too cold. i'm sure it's just as beautiful in the fall...i'm always hoping to run into a monk in the gardens, but haven't yet.
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Mad Props on Monday...
So here's to DC for being cool enough that people want to visit...
This weeks visitor was the one and only EDET! We had lots of fun walking around the city and enjoying the perfect fall weather.
It's always great to have friends around, so please come visit me when you can.
*yes I know I'm posting this on Tuesday, but who posts on their blog when friends are in town?
Monday, October 31, 2011
Mad Props on Monday...
So as you may, or may not, have noticed...I have done one mad prop on Monday and then disappeared. Things have been crazy. I haven't been in DC on a Monday and haven't taken the time to do a post. I was at a conference, and then was in DC but was shopping for bridesmaid dresses for a certain sisters un-expected, moved up wedding. All good things (which I will also eventually blog about), but mad prop mondays are back in full swing. I'm sure all two of you who read my blog will be excited :)

Today I have to give a mad prop to the gorgeousness that is fall in DC. I love Fall! I have never experienced fall until last year/this year when I live in a city that has it. Fall is the best, pretty warm, yet crisp. You can be outside and not freeze for majority of the days (except that one day it snowed in Oct...but we'll forget that). And who doesn't love the radiant colors with the leaves changing. So here's to DC's fall weather!
Monday, October 3, 2011
Mad Props on Monday...
So I decided, after talking about blogs, I should really start writing on mine more regularly. Yesterday afternoon on the way home from a wonderful time away, I thought I should do something that highlights things I love, like, appreciate about DC. So each Monday, I'm going to give mad props to some of the things I enjoy about DC life.

Public Transportation! After being without a car for a few weeks, I am thankful for being able to get to the airport hop on the Metro and get home. I probably ride the bus more than Metro but this was a cooler picture than one of the bus :)
This morning I also used public transportation to get to work. One of the things I'm most excited about Fall, not having to drive everywhere since it's a little slower pace. If you want to hear some of my funniest encounters, remind me to tell you some stories I have from the bus. Good times.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Probably for all of us at one point in our lives we have come to a place where we feel like we are entitled to something. We have a right to something.
We have all probably also encountered others with an entitlement mentality. It is often a mentality I hear people groaning that we create as well meaning citizens, although we don't mourn or reflect that we have begun this process with the way we hand out charity, instead we talk down upon those who have grown accustomed to whatever they feel entitled to (choices, food, money, dignity, etc) whether their entitlement is right or wrong.
As I read this, this morning, from an article put out by NCC,
Inspired by a common spiritual conviction that God has called on all Americans to protect the vulnerable and promote the dignity of all individuals living in society, the faith community has worked along side the United States government for decades to protect those struggling to overcome poverty in the U.S. and abroad. Without a sustained federal commitment to these programs, the interfaith leaders fear that their Houses of Worship will be unable to solely support the country’s most vulnerable in their time of need.
I was very saddened. I think it is very serious the discussions going on in our capitol. I think that our government has lots of big decisions to make and haven't displayed the classiest behavior towards one another the past few years. But I think that we serve a God big enough to support the vulnerable. I don't think we, who are called, should ever sit back and feel entitled that our government can fix our problems. Whether our taxes go up or down, whether programs are cut or not, I believe Jesus himself had similar situations that he encountered and he said something like this,
"Then the Pharisees went out and laid plans to trap him in his words. They sent their disciples to him along with the Herodians. “Teacher,” they said, “we know that you are a man of integrity and that you teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. You aren’t swayed by others, because you pay no attention to who they are. Tell us then, what is your opinion? Is it right to pay the imperial tax to Caesar or not?”But Jesus, knowing their evil intent, said, “You hypocrites, why are you trying to trap me? Show me the coin used for paying the tax.” They brought him a denarius, and he asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?” “Caesar’s,” they replied. Then he said to them, “So give back to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.” When they heard this, they were amazed. So they left him and went away." Matt 22:15-22
I think it's very important for us to remember our role. The churches job is to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, care for the widow, and the alien. That's our job! It makes me sad when I see us getting angry that the government won't do it. It's really what we are called to do. We should do it well, with joy, and ask God to provide when we aren't sure how to.
Monday, July 25, 2011
my job is more exciting than your job...
Did you get to hear these stories today?
* This morning at our 9 am meeting my staff told me they woke up to a squirrel in their apt...they got it out of the 3 story building by banging on a pan all the way down the 3 flights of stairs out the double glass doors.
* By noon you have a JH boy getting stitches for a cutting injury from a food prep ministry site
* Did you get to go to Costco and have the man at the check out tell you, you are strong?
* Did you have a 30 min conversation with your postal worker?
* After answering emails, working on a few things, and thinking how quiet it was at 10:45 pm another staff member calls and report that the kids in their group may have shattered a window, knocking on it.
* At 11:00 pm you see pictures on facebook that indeed look like your housing site bathroom is flooding...and that is confirmed by a series of texts.
Look like tomorrow's going to be filled with fun housing site repairs! I should get to sleep. If you need some excitement in your life; we've got plenty here in DC come visit :)
Monday, June 27, 2011
missing people, places, and things...
I miss so many people and places from my past. One of them is Matt Chandler. He was one of the most influential people in my life during college; challenging us, encouraging us, and transforming the image I had of myself and God. I ran across this video today someone put together. It's weird when I hear his voice, I go back to being a college student in Abilene TX...somewhere honestly I often don't miss. But I did appreciate and love the way God used Matt and Cammie and Tuesday nights at Grace and Sunday mornings at church to stir my heart. If I listed all of you I miss right now the list would be too long...listen to this and think about the way HE loves...
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
phone dilemma...
Ok friends, I need help! I have this phone...

...it has served me quite nicely. I really have loved it and used it for such a long time...I really like it. Mine's really pitiful, missing over 1/2 the keys and recently it just stopped working. It will let me send and receive texts but I can not hear anyone on the other side. It will sometimes ring, but when I answer there is nothing on the other side.
So here's my dilemma. Apparently it's like 2011 or something and they don't make normal cell phones anymore... I was told I get a free upgrade, but guess what, it's not really free. I hate all the options and I don't want to pay for something I don't like. Also most phones they sale now you have to get a data package. What's this?!?! When did we have to have internet to make a phone call?!?! It makes me a little sad.
My Mom's been encouraging me to get an I-phone...she's loving hers. I am starting to be tempted if I have to buy a phone with a data plan why not go big right?! I'm so conflicted. I feel like I'm selling out to what I really want a phone for and I will never be able to just enjoy my freedom of not being attached to the internet if I get a phone with internet access...I need help. What phone do you recommend?
I don't have a contract so my options are endless. Please tell me what phone I should get and why....

...it has served me quite nicely. I really have loved it and used it for such a long time...I really like it. Mine's really pitiful, missing over 1/2 the keys and recently it just stopped working. It will let me send and receive texts but I can not hear anyone on the other side. It will sometimes ring, but when I answer there is nothing on the other side.
So here's my dilemma. Apparently it's like 2011 or something and they don't make normal cell phones anymore... I was told I get a free upgrade, but guess what, it's not really free. I hate all the options and I don't want to pay for something I don't like. Also most phones they sale now you have to get a data package. What's this?!?! When did we have to have internet to make a phone call?!?! It makes me a little sad.
My Mom's been encouraging me to get an I-phone...she's loving hers. I am starting to be tempted if I have to buy a phone with a data plan why not go big right?! I'm so conflicted. I feel like I'm selling out to what I really want a phone for and I will never be able to just enjoy my freedom of not being attached to the internet if I get a phone with internet access...I need help. What phone do you recommend?
I don't have a contract so my options are endless. Please tell me what phone I should get and why....
Sunday, May 15, 2011
dumpster diving 101
So today I went on my first dumpster diving adventure. I took a long a co-worker for moral support. It was a great rookie experience. here's a hint...weekend after college graduation, go to a campus...they are gold mines!
After quite an adventure of how to actually get onto campus I did a drive thru and scoped out best places to "shop". Obviously the large, blue dumpsters that were outside of each dorm were the hot spots. I would find a place to park and go up and scope it out. Now, being a rookie...and having a strong disgust towards very rank smells and critters that like to hang out in such places I was not super brave. I would basically walk around the dumpster and if there were things in plain view I wanted I would grab them. There was one dumpster in particular, overflowing, so some students just left stuff beside it. Thank you students! This was very helpful and where I acquired most of my loot. I even went back a second time after seeing some more kids drop stuff off.
We got brave and tried to go in a dorm (we had been tipped off that there were good things inside by trash cans...like a chair that has been donated to our office). But we lost hope when we went in, no problem, but then ran into an RA on front desk duty; it just felt a little too shady!
I was so pleased with what we found! Not one, but two of these wire trash cans...
a really nice container store drawer like this...
a little magnetic, dry erase board that is silver...
not one...but that's right folks two full length mirrors (one is even really nice with a white frame kind of like this one)....
a box of gently used crayons...
a brown, canvas bin...
plus 2 white milk crates, a drying rack, a little fan, and all this was going to go to the dump! So glad I saved it.
The best part was after getting a lot of good loot we jumped back in the car and passed a house with some stuff out front with a "free--please take" sign. I pulled over, parked the car illegally. Only because it was Sunday. Ran up to the stoop and got 2 really adorable wooden boxes with this floral print that I'm not crazy about but will live with that will be perfect organizers in my office, the cute magnetic dry erase board mentioned above, and a really great closet organizer. The girls giving it away were not outside, but some of their co-dwellers in the apartments were. They were really sweet and said they may be putting more stuff out later if I wanted to drop back by and check it out.
All in all, I really did find that one persons trash was my treasure! I love that it was all free and really useful stuff. I can't wait until a new semester ends to see what treasures I dig up on the local campuses.
After quite an adventure of how to actually get onto campus I did a drive thru and scoped out best places to "shop". Obviously the large, blue dumpsters that were outside of each dorm were the hot spots. I would find a place to park and go up and scope it out. Now, being a rookie...and having a strong disgust towards very rank smells and critters that like to hang out in such places I was not super brave. I would basically walk around the dumpster and if there were things in plain view I wanted I would grab them. There was one dumpster in particular, overflowing, so some students just left stuff beside it. Thank you students! This was very helpful and where I acquired most of my loot. I even went back a second time after seeing some more kids drop stuff off.
We got brave and tried to go in a dorm (we had been tipped off that there were good things inside by trash cans...like a chair that has been donated to our office). But we lost hope when we went in, no problem, but then ran into an RA on front desk duty; it just felt a little too shady!
I was so pleased with what we found! Not one, but two of these wire trash cans...

The best part was after getting a lot of good loot we jumped back in the car and passed a house with some stuff out front with a "free--please take" sign. I pulled over, parked the car illegally. Only because it was Sunday. Ran up to the stoop and got 2 really adorable wooden boxes with this floral print that I'm not crazy about but will live with that will be perfect organizers in my office, the cute magnetic dry erase board mentioned above, and a really great closet organizer. The girls giving it away were not outside, but some of their co-dwellers in the apartments were. They were really sweet and said they may be putting more stuff out later if I wanted to drop back by and check it out.
All in all, I really did find that one persons trash was my treasure! I love that it was all free and really useful stuff. I can't wait until a new semester ends to see what treasures I dig up on the local campuses.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Check out my latest post on the CSM shared blog...or you can read it here on the CSM DC blog.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
it may be spring...
There are beautiful tulips! Cherry blossoms were just in bloom....and maybe I have worn flip flops and dresses again. I'm so excited that spring may finally be here after enduring my first non-Texas winter. I am hoping for more sun and less gloomy weather days in April...we'll see.
I need to take some pictures of all the beautiful trees and flowers in bloom here...until then here's a shot from the tidal basin while my parents were here.
I need to take some pictures of all the beautiful trees and flowers in bloom here...until then here's a shot from the tidal basin while my parents were here.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
love boldy.
I'm currently reading the book Bold Love by Dr. Dan B Allender and Dr. Tremper Longman III...
here's a tiny excerpt:
"Love, as a reflection of the glory of God, is the ground of being, the reason for existing, and the core of the gospel. It is the most basic staple of life; yet it is nearly impossible to wrap words around love's vastness, to describe how to be transformed by it, or to use it for the sake of another-especially in a world that hurts us regularly and often deeply."
This book is making me think alot. I have had this book on my shelf or quite a while now, and just picked it up again out of complete and utter lack of being able to love many things in my life. The past few weeks, at a glance, have been weeks where I felt hurt regularly and deeply by the world. I am encouraged to say though that I have also felt loved deeply by those around me in the world. I'm super thankful for:
-flowers on my doorstep on a Friday night
-friends who will call and pray from far away
-co-workers who drive me home when it's dark and I'm scared to walk there alone
-spontaneous visits from dear friends
-laughing and crying with others
-a small group of people who will change their plans, so you can be a part
-people who will celebrate life with me in unexpected ways
-feeling loved, when I'm not feeling very lovely
-skype, mail, cellphones, g-chat, and the other ways that I feel connected...
There's much to be thankful for, and hopefully I will begin to love boldly those who have been loving me boldly.
here's a tiny excerpt:
"Love, as a reflection of the glory of God, is the ground of being, the reason for existing, and the core of the gospel. It is the most basic staple of life; yet it is nearly impossible to wrap words around love's vastness, to describe how to be transformed by it, or to use it for the sake of another-especially in a world that hurts us regularly and often deeply."
This book is making me think alot. I have had this book on my shelf or quite a while now, and just picked it up again out of complete and utter lack of being able to love many things in my life. The past few weeks, at a glance, have been weeks where I felt hurt regularly and deeply by the world. I am encouraged to say though that I have also felt loved deeply by those around me in the world. I'm super thankful for:
-flowers on my doorstep on a Friday night
-friends who will call and pray from far away
-co-workers who drive me home when it's dark and I'm scared to walk there alone
-spontaneous visits from dear friends
-laughing and crying with others
-a small group of people who will change their plans, so you can be a part
-people who will celebrate life with me in unexpected ways
-feeling loved, when I'm not feeling very lovely
-skype, mail, cellphones, g-chat, and the other ways that I feel connected...
There's much to be thankful for, and hopefully I will begin to love boldly those who have been loving me boldly.
Friday, February 4, 2011
i've found a safe place in you...
Being in Denver last week was really refreshing. One of my favorite parts of the training was getting to spend time with the other city staff. Each morning we would start with worship...and I was introduced to two songs that I now have been listening to a lot. They are so great. Thanks to Jami for leading and introducing me to these. You can listen here...although I must admit, I enjoyed when Jami played them better.
Sunday, January 9, 2011
meet my new friend
My roommate and I had a brief stint at being fish "sitters" in December in the weeks leading up to Christmas. She had bought her nephew a Betta and we had made sure it was going to live and be an okay gift for him to handle, and decided that not only could he handle it, but that we could also handle it. We loved having him on our kitchen counter with the live plants it was just so much fun. So when I got back from Texas she had all the supplies for my new fishes home. Yesterday I went to pick out my fish. I'm so excited about him. He's really beautiful. I now need to name him. I have been given some great ideas by friends and family. You can either vote on one of these options or suggest your own.
So here are the options thus far...
Felix, Flippy, BB (to stand for the Bluebird of Happiness), Peyton , Blueberry, Bucky, Noriego, DC, Domino, Tiny Tim, Santiago, Say-rah, Houston, LePeep, Daybreaker, Chauncey, Francine
So please help me decide on one of these or your own brilliant idea!!
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