Monday, October 31, 2011

Mad Props on Monday...

So as you may, or may not, have noticed...I have done one mad prop on Monday and then disappeared. Things have been crazy. I haven't been in DC on a Monday and haven't taken the time to do a post. I was at a conference, and then was in DC but was shopping for bridesmaid dresses for a certain sisters un-expected, moved up wedding. All good things (which I will also eventually blog about), but mad prop mondays are back in full swing. I'm sure all two of you who read my blog will be excited :)

Today I have to give a mad prop to the gorgeousness that is fall in DC. I love Fall! I have never experienced fall until last year/this year when I live in a city that has it. Fall is the best, pretty warm, yet crisp. You can be outside and not freeze for majority of the days (except that one day it snowed in Oct...but we'll forget that). And who doesn't love the radiant colors with the leaves changing. So here's to DC's fall weather!

Monday, October 3, 2011

Mad Props on Monday...

So I decided, after talking about blogs, I should really start writing on mine more regularly. Yesterday afternoon on the way home from a wonderful time away, I thought I should do something that highlights things I love, like, appreciate about DC. So each Monday, I'm going to give mad props to some of the things I enjoy about DC life.

Public Transportation! After being without a car for a few weeks, I am thankful for being able to get to the airport hop on the Metro and get home. I probably ride the bus more than Metro but this was a cooler picture than one of the bus :)

This morning I also used public transportation to get to work. One of the things I'm most excited about Fall, not having to drive everywhere since it's a little slower pace. If you want to hear some of my funniest encounters, remind me to tell you some stories I have from the bus. Good times.