Sunday, November 20, 2011

free parking.

Have you ever been given something free?

Absolutely free, no strings attached, you did nothing to deserve it?

On Friday when going to grab coffee (hot chocolate, because I still don't drink coffee. yes i'm an adult) with my dear friend, Kaci, who has known me deeply since high school. Her family is like mine and mine is like hers. It's been fun to live close to her again...back to the story.

I was going around the block, circling and looking for parking. I didn't want to pay for parking. I don't like paying to park. I couldn't find a spot so I gave up and decided we'd just park in front of the spot and I resigned that I would pay...we'd only be there about an hour.

We're getting out of the car, the car in front of mines' driver was walking up and getting into his car. I opened my door and he ran up to me and gave me his parking receipt, good until 5:01. It was 3:30! FREE PARKING. I felt like I had just landed on the space in monopoly. I did not know this kind man. I was so excited. I literally remarked, "He just made my day!" I realize it's really like $1.50 but it was a gift, unexpected, unnecessary, unmerited.

Today at church the teacher was talking about how we work so hard for our Fathers love. We often won't just accept it. He was using the analogy of the prodigal son, journeying home. He was tired. Dirty. Stinky. Disheveled. His father ran to him. Kissed him. He embraced the son. I immediately realized sometimes I just need to let my tired, stinky, dirty, disheveled self be embraced by the Father and enjoy Him, like I did so quickly this free parking; instead of trying to earn or understand the how and why behind His love and prove that I'm worthy of it.

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