So I hate moving. I don't like it at all, this is why I committed to the pact of not moving out of the Heights until being married...unfortunately that pact was broken...and well I've moved. Moving is not fun even when it's just across town, but moving to a new state...or not even a state in my case is even more non-fun.
After reading online about the things needed to register your car, get your license switched over, all that I realized quickly, I didn't have all that I needed to do that. I've been trying to get all of that together and figure out where stuff was in the shuffle...but wasn't at the top of my priorities. That is until I found a cute little pink ticket decorating my windshield as a "warning" that I was in violation of the law. DC does not play around, this means I'm on my way to having a boot put on my car. So of course, knowing I don't have the paperwork I look into what are the alternatives. You know how an I-9 you can either do one item from list a or 2 items from list b and c? Well I look at the two items and am like great...basically I have 4 items. 4 should be good right?
No. There not good. Not good for the lady at the DMV this morning after waiting in line, getting my car inspected, standing in the cold rain (because although you can get your car inspected, which must happen first at 7 you can not pay for it at the DMV until 8:15). Nope not good. So when politely asking, "So how can I prevent from getting a ticket while getting these items together?" She stares blankly and says, "Get your stuff together and come back and get this taken care of."
Thank you, very not nice lady at the DMV.
So after whining about this, pretty much all day, I head to my newly found small group! We talked about the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. We were talking and asking questions on what is the Kingdom of God...what does it look like? Although we left with a lot more questions than answers of what we should look like in that Kingdom I left for an appreciation knowing the Kingdom of God does not look like the DMV. I don't need to figure out all my "stuff" and "get it all together" in order to come...and how great of news is that?
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
this is a quote from Bittersweet (I'm not sure why I don't know how to underline...and I know books are supposed to be underlined?) by, Shauna Niequist
"Grace isn't about having a second chance; grace is having so many chances that you could use them through all eternity and never come up empty. It's when you finally realize that the other shoe isn't going to drop; ever. It's the moment you feel as precious and handmade as every star, when you feel, finally, at home for the very first time."
I've talked quite a bit about home here (on my blog). As I packed up and moved out of the place that I called home, not just Houston, but our adorable house on Michaux that was really, and truly was our home. We laughed, cried, created: friendships, recipes, paintings...some good, some bad...(don't try to make cake in a coffee cup or paint at 3 am just because you need some new life on your wall). We talked and talked and talked, we went on walks, played tennis, ran to Fiesta countless times, shared life with neighbors and friends, we had reunion parties with sisters, college friends, other Heights dwellers, and former building dwellers from our earlier Houston days. We saw a lot of transformations. We ate quite a bit of delicious dessert. We also took full advantage of living with-in walking distance of delicious Mexican cuisine. We went from being two friends to three to two to three to two to three several times, and enjoyed living with an awesome variety of some of the coolest women I know. I'm so grateful for that home. I'm grateful for the friendships that came from that house.
And Shauna is right grace is feeling precious, and loved, and fully known. There aren't many people who look at you...all of you...and still make you feel precious and loved and cared for.
I think the beauty of being at home (whether it's going back to where we are best known sometimes...our parents, or being somewhere familiar) is having a rich, deep history. The hardest part of moving life for me is to not be known. I am very grateful for some very kind, wonderful people that are in my life here already. I know that they are gifts. They are so helpful, quick to listen, and eager to share cool things I should know about in a new place. But at the end of the day they don't know me. They will, as we continue to do life together, but they don't know me yet. It's hard to be known. It's hard to not know others.
I've been quick here to try and not think about the beauty of home. I don't want to miss out on the present place and gifts of the current life. I don't want time to pass me by while I live in the days of old, that are no more. I don't want to focus so intently on the things I used to have, that I miss out on what I have right in front of me. Tonight though, I realize, that sometimes it's good to think about home. I am reminded tonight as I'm reading, that if I miss an opportunity that I will have another chance, and another, and another...because we all need so many chances, so much grace. We rarely get it right the first time.
I'm so thankful for my home. I'm so thankful for my friends and family that have shown so much grace and given me so many opportunities to do things right, although it's almost guaranteed that somewhere in the midst I'm going to be a mess, they help me pick up the pieces and make something much more beautiful and rich than I could have ever imagined. I don't know who or where I'd be without you, so thank you, for being full of grace with me.
I know what home looks like with my family, and I know what home looks like in Houston. What will home look like in DC? I'm excited and anxious to see...
"Grace isn't about having a second chance; grace is having so many chances that you could use them through all eternity and never come up empty. It's when you finally realize that the other shoe isn't going to drop; ever. It's the moment you feel as precious and handmade as every star, when you feel, finally, at home for the very first time."
I've talked quite a bit about home here (on my blog). As I packed up and moved out of the place that I called home, not just Houston, but our adorable house on Michaux that was really, and truly was our home. We laughed, cried, created: friendships, recipes, paintings...some good, some bad...(don't try to make cake in a coffee cup or paint at 3 am just because you need some new life on your wall). We talked and talked and talked, we went on walks, played tennis, ran to Fiesta countless times, shared life with neighbors and friends, we had reunion parties with sisters, college friends, other Heights dwellers, and former building dwellers from our earlier Houston days. We saw a lot of transformations. We ate quite a bit of delicious dessert. We also took full advantage of living with-in walking distance of delicious Mexican cuisine. We went from being two friends to three to two to three to two to three several times, and enjoyed living with an awesome variety of some of the coolest women I know. I'm so grateful for that home. I'm grateful for the friendships that came from that house.
And Shauna is right grace is feeling precious, and loved, and fully known. There aren't many people who look at you...all of you...and still make you feel precious and loved and cared for.
I think the beauty of being at home (whether it's going back to where we are best known sometimes...our parents, or being somewhere familiar) is having a rich, deep history. The hardest part of moving life for me is to not be known. I am very grateful for some very kind, wonderful people that are in my life here already. I know that they are gifts. They are so helpful, quick to listen, and eager to share cool things I should know about in a new place. But at the end of the day they don't know me. They will, as we continue to do life together, but they don't know me yet. It's hard to be known. It's hard to not know others.
I've been quick here to try and not think about the beauty of home. I don't want to miss out on the present place and gifts of the current life. I don't want time to pass me by while I live in the days of old, that are no more. I don't want to focus so intently on the things I used to have, that I miss out on what I have right in front of me. Tonight though, I realize, that sometimes it's good to think about home. I am reminded tonight as I'm reading, that if I miss an opportunity that I will have another chance, and another, and another...because we all need so many chances, so much grace. We rarely get it right the first time.
I'm so thankful for my home. I'm so thankful for my friends and family that have shown so much grace and given me so many opportunities to do things right, although it's almost guaranteed that somewhere in the midst I'm going to be a mess, they help me pick up the pieces and make something much more beautiful and rich than I could have ever imagined. I don't know who or where I'd be without you, so thank you, for being full of grace with me.
I know what home looks like with my family, and I know what home looks like in Houston. What will home look like in DC? I'm excited and anxious to see...
Sunday, October 3, 2010
What's your favorite season? I hear this question often.
I like them all, I like that they change. I would get bored if things were always the same, yet I love familiarity and rituals. So change is necessary, and welcome, but also sometimes hard. I'm realizing though, I've never before really experienced seasons. It's fall. Leaves really do change beautiful shades of colors. Pumpkins are out. And it's brisk. I have read about this before, but it's not quite like what Texas has ever felt like, at least to me.
As I've been driving, reflecting, observing, I'm truly thankful for how God is using the seasons to remind me of two things, one being that He has a master plan for everything. I love that in the very beginning God knew"... and God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years..." Genesis 1:14-15.
Then in Ecclesiastes He reminds us again of the way He orchestrates time:
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. "
I'm learning about the season change in my life. How it's beautiful and painful all at once. I'm learning how the gorgeous changes of colors means that soon things die, fall off, and get blown away. I know fall won't last forever. I want to enjoy it, but I also want to give myself permission to be sad that things are changing. So I'm trying to trust in God that has a plan, when most days I do not know how to even begin this new adventure. I want to love God who has given a new place, a fresh start, and who has taken friends (really amazing ones) away from my immediate reach, familiarity, and comfort in that place. I want to love God who is never changing in the midst of a new season, a new place, and a new adventure. Although it's beautiful, it's a little scary!
What's your favorite season?
I like them all, I like that they change. I would get bored if things were always the same, yet I love familiarity and rituals. So change is necessary, and welcome, but also sometimes hard. I'm realizing though, I've never before really experienced seasons. It's fall. Leaves really do change beautiful shades of colors. Pumpkins are out. And it's brisk. I have read about this before, but it's not quite like what Texas has ever felt like, at least to me.
As I've been driving, reflecting, observing, I'm truly thankful for how God is using the seasons to remind me of two things, one being that He has a master plan for everything. I love that in the very beginning God knew"... and God said, "Let there be lights in the expanse of the sky to separate the day from the night, and let them serve as signs to mark seasons and days and years..." Genesis 1:14-15.
Then in Ecclesiastes He reminds us again of the way He orchestrates time:
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot, a time to kill and a time to heal, a time to tear down and a time to build, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain, a time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away, a time to tear and a time to mend, a time to be silent and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate, a time for war and a time for peace. "
I'm learning about the season change in my life. How it's beautiful and painful all at once. I'm learning how the gorgeous changes of colors means that soon things die, fall off, and get blown away. I know fall won't last forever. I want to enjoy it, but I also want to give myself permission to be sad that things are changing. So I'm trying to trust in God that has a plan, when most days I do not know how to even begin this new adventure. I want to love God who has given a new place, a fresh start, and who has taken friends (really amazing ones) away from my immediate reach, familiarity, and comfort in that place. I want to love God who is never changing in the midst of a new season, a new place, and a new adventure. Although it's beautiful, it's a little scary!
What's your favorite season?
Monday, September 20, 2010
CSM ... DC :)
I am really excited about working for D.C. Although super hard to leave friends and family in Texas it's really exciting to have newness and unknowns. I'm super thankful for a great place to live, an awesome co-worker here in the city and many more supporting me from afar.
Some things I'm most excited about:
* seeing new ministry sites
* building relationships in all parts of the city
* meeting groups that have a heart to serve
* learning: I have so much to learn, east coast culture, directions, my job, where to find bargains, different denominations that come to serve, hosts/groups personalities, etc.
* growing: I know through it all I will be stretched and refined...not always a fun process, but ends up to be a beautiful one.
Come visit me in the city and bring your friends to serve!
Some things I'm most excited about:
* seeing new ministry sites
* building relationships in all parts of the city
* meeting groups that have a heart to serve
* learning: I have so much to learn, east coast culture, directions, my job, where to find bargains, different denominations that come to serve, hosts/groups personalities, etc.
* growing: I know through it all I will be stretched and refined...not always a fun process, but ends up to be a beautiful one.
Come visit me in the city and bring your friends to serve!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
home is where the heart is...
And mine has been here for the past 5 or so years...
And here's a tribute to this lovely abode, by the one and only Megan Breed. She said it so well. There will be more to come in the days and weeks as we move out of here...but for now...well there's no time for tributes between moving sales and packing boxes and parties and breakfasts with friends and dinners with friends and finding out where my new home is going to be.
I'm moving to DC in a few weeks. Finding housing from Houston hasn't been the most fun part of the process, but yesterday I made the hunt more fun by color coding and weighing the options. Tomorrow night I have a few phone dates with potential roommates, so we'll see where I end up calling home in DC. We can only hope for something as sweet as our lovely little home on the corner.
And here's a tribute to this lovely abode, by the one and only Megan Breed. She said it so well. There will be more to come in the days and weeks as we move out of here...but for now...well there's no time for tributes between moving sales and packing boxes and parties and breakfasts with friends and dinners with friends and finding out where my new home is going to be.
I'm moving to DC in a few weeks. Finding housing from Houston hasn't been the most fun part of the process, but yesterday I made the hunt more fun by color coding and weighing the options. Tomorrow night I have a few phone dates with potential roommates, so we'll see where I end up calling home in DC. We can only hope for something as sweet as our lovely little home on the corner.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Happy Birthday Little Girl :)
Today my sweet little Eva girl turned 2!

sweet baby eva on her birthday, 2 years ago today :)
I can't believe how fast two years goes by. I'm so thankful that I got to be at her monkey birthday yesterday and that I got to eat birthday cereal with her today before returning to Houston. I'm really sad I won't get to see her as much after moving further away...she's growing so much, talking, running, reading, loving, swimming, laughing, joking, living it's so exciting. I will say I am slightly jealous that when I got to Cleburne after saying, "Robyn's home!" she was disappointed that Sarah wasn't with me and just said, "Sarah didn't come Eva's party." But really I'm so thankful that I have such cool friends and my niece notices that at a young age.

me and eva a few months ago when she visited houston
Monday, August 2, 2010
Dark chocolate is good for your heart. A small bar of it everyday can help keep your heart and cardiovascular system running well...or that's what some people say. I like dark chocolate. It is a little bit bitter sweet though...
So I kind of feel like my life is dark chocolate right now. I know that it's good, and the initial taste is a little bitter but there is definite sweetness that is coming. I am really excited about what is next for me. I am moving in 3 or so weeks to Washington DC to partner with this awesome organization! I'm really, really excited to work for them again. I interned with CSM here in Houston, which was what connected me to the Third Ward and so many cool places that have changed and impacted my heart.
The bitterness though is leaving this city and people I've fallen in love with. In January of 2012 it would make 7 years of living in Houston. The relationships built and friends I have made here are priceless. I value them all so much. Change has never been something I loved or embraced well, but I know this change is going to be one that is good and I am excited...right now it just tastes a little bittersweet as I start to pack up life and say goodbye to dear friends and realize I'm doing things for the last time.
So I kind of feel like my life is dark chocolate right now. I know that it's good, and the initial taste is a little bitter but there is definite sweetness that is coming. I am really excited about what is next for me. I am moving in 3 or so weeks to Washington DC to partner with this awesome organization! I'm really, really excited to work for them again. I interned with CSM here in Houston, which was what connected me to the Third Ward and so many cool places that have changed and impacted my heart.
The bitterness though is leaving this city and people I've fallen in love with. In January of 2012 it would make 7 years of living in Houston. The relationships built and friends I have made here are priceless. I value them all so much. Change has never been something I loved or embraced well, but I know this change is going to be one that is good and I am excited...right now it just tastes a little bittersweet as I start to pack up life and say goodbye to dear friends and realize I'm doing things for the last time.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
I'm so thankful for summer. It has been nice to rest, sleep in, hang out with old friends, see family, help friends out a little bit, and just have a little more time to do nothing. I like doing nothing, I'm not very good at it most of the time. I've been trying to relax. So although I'm working a part-time job I'm still trying to stay at home more and rest...I figure life won't always be like this. Well I know it won't, so I want to enjoy the summer. These girls help...

I'm really thankful to have such lovely ladies to share my life with. I love sharing a house, stories, secrets, laughs, jokes, more laughs, food, dessert, friends, movies, hard times, prayers, parks, games, time, days, road trips, family, walks, neighbors, weekends, life. They make sharing much more fun. **Just in case you didn't realize it, Megan still lives with us we are connected, we have our ways :)
So if you haven't stopped by to hang out with us, you should soon...we love having friends over!

So if you haven't stopped by to hang out with us, you should soon...we love having friends over!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
happy mothers day
This week I've been super blessed by family. Not just my family, although they have been extremely kind and loving, but by my larger family, my community. I have been loved well. It's a good feeling to be loved. I love loving others. I love sharing my days with 16 kids who don't always know how to give love but enjoy receiving it a lot and showing and telling them they have a Father who loves them infinitely more than I do is super rewarding. It is so much fun to watch them figure out how to express love for to one another, God, and their teachers. I am comfortable loving them. I am comfortable loving my friends who are so kind and gracious and really fun. They are easy to love because they are so unique and gifted and wonderful. I am comfortable loving my family who knows me so well and have loved me since the beginning of my journey. They are supportive and loving and honest and challenge me alot. I am comfortable loving those who God told us to love: the least, lost, left behind...they stole my heart many years ago and I can't get enough time with them. I don't know always how to do that best and don't always do a great job at it, but when I do I feel alive and excited and know it's something God planted deep in my heart.
Thanks to my Mom for giving me this life and love and support. Thanks to my Mom and Dad for loving me, despite my quirkiness. Thanks for allowing me to adventure off and be loved by others who could never replace them but make my life better and richer while they are not right beside me. This year has been a bit rough and rocky. It's not very far into it, but there has been lots of shaking and change and new territory for me to explore. Some of it I've done right beside my Mom and really appreciated her being there in the journey. Some of it I've been so blessed to have awesome men and women of God catch me and love me as if I'm their child who needs to be loved just as if they were my family.
I think Mothers day is a great time to celebrate not only my wonderful Mom, but all the Mom's who hold us together and play pivotal roles in our lives; as well as the many wonderful people they have raised uniquely and wonderfully to enrich our lives and the world in which we live.
Happy Mothers Day :)
Thanks to my Mom for giving me this life and love and support. Thanks to my Mom and Dad for loving me, despite my quirkiness. Thanks for allowing me to adventure off and be loved by others who could never replace them but make my life better and richer while they are not right beside me. This year has been a bit rough and rocky. It's not very far into it, but there has been lots of shaking and change and new territory for me to explore. Some of it I've done right beside my Mom and really appreciated her being there in the journey. Some of it I've been so blessed to have awesome men and women of God catch me and love me as if I'm their child who needs to be loved just as if they were my family.
I think Mothers day is a great time to celebrate not only my wonderful Mom, but all the Mom's who hold us together and play pivotal roles in our lives; as well as the many wonderful people they have raised uniquely and wonderfully to enrich our lives and the world in which we live.
Happy Mothers Day :)
Saturday, April 10, 2010
houston. the loving and leaving.
Spring is wonderful.
The sun comes back into our lives (when I leave school and the sun is out it just makes me a better person). The days are longer so I can squeeze more life into them. In just one day this week I got to: hang out at school with 16 hilarious children, surprise a friend at a wonderful birthday party incorporating frozen yogurt, cake, and some of the most amazing people in Houston, ate dinner with a sweet friend and hung out with her two amazing boys (including reading bed time stories to both), hung out in the said friends backyard with perfect weather, dog, and sons, picked up a friend and had dance lessons at our house before heading out to do a little two-stepping with the rest of the houston's best and finished up shopping for our fraction party at school the next day with the ever amazing toleran,t roommate :) Now friends that's productivity. Thank you spring!
Something else seems to happen in spring though in Houston. For the past two years I find myself watching friends as they move into new life somewhere besides Houston. Now I don't think Houston is the only place people should live. Just my friends. And it would be nice if my family were all near. So when my roommate of five years decided to move south of the equator I was really sad. Then that seemed to swing open the door and everyone seems to be leaving. After much adjustment and tears and growth (sorry for those who have been witness to the process). Just last spring/summer 25 people moved from my church family including several really close know the ones who you see them once a week and know exactly what to say, the ones who meet you for breakfast, the ones who's house always feels comfortable and right, who's questions are comforting and challenging, the ones who love my family just because I do...yeah those are the people I miss! Then school friends started leaving. So just as life started to stabalize, new roommate and friends, new routines...what's that? Springs back!
Birds chirping, flowers blooming, people moving. I don't like it. Not one bit. Now I will say most of these things calling people away are things I'm really excited about, but I'm selfish and want to have my friends where I can see them, hug them, hang out, and share life every day not only hear and see them on Skype (although I'm also thankful for this wonderful invention!) So last night I found myself having a nightmare that another round of amazing friends were leaving. In addition to the rounds that have already left or are in the leaving process now. I know some of the leaving aren't going willingly, but it doesn't make the fact that they're going any easier. I know I shouldn't be the one complaining. I get to stay, but Houston isn't Houston without the wonderful people. So I find myself staying up way too late. Doing bizarre things like going to watch drag racing. All for cramming in the maximum amount of time with my friends who I will miss more than they know. I almost feel like I'm living in fear of the next train that is coming and taking my friends.
Now I won't be in Houston forever. Atleast that's not my plan. I do love it. I'm not sure what will call me away. Don't have plans of leaving, but don't know what or where or when I'll go on to something else. What about you? When are you leaving? What will call you away? OR if you aren't here yet, what are you waiting on? Come have fun with us!!
The sun comes back into our lives (when I leave school and the sun is out it just makes me a better person). The days are longer so I can squeeze more life into them. In just one day this week I got to: hang out at school with 16 hilarious children, surprise a friend at a wonderful birthday party incorporating frozen yogurt, cake, and some of the most amazing people in Houston, ate dinner with a sweet friend and hung out with her two amazing boys (including reading bed time stories to both), hung out in the said friends backyard with perfect weather, dog, and sons, picked up a friend and had dance lessons at our house before heading out to do a little two-stepping with the rest of the houston's best and finished up shopping for our fraction party at school the next day with the ever amazing toleran,t roommate :) Now friends that's productivity. Thank you spring!
Something else seems to happen in spring though in Houston. For the past two years I find myself watching friends as they move into new life somewhere besides Houston. Now I don't think Houston is the only place people should live. Just my friends. And it would be nice if my family were all near. So when my roommate of five years decided to move south of the equator I was really sad. Then that seemed to swing open the door and everyone seems to be leaving. After much adjustment and tears and growth (sorry for those who have been witness to the process). Just last spring/summer 25 people moved from my church family including several really close know the ones who you see them once a week and know exactly what to say, the ones who meet you for breakfast, the ones who's house always feels comfortable and right, who's questions are comforting and challenging, the ones who love my family just because I do...yeah those are the people I miss! Then school friends started leaving. So just as life started to stabalize, new roommate and friends, new routines...what's that? Springs back!
Birds chirping, flowers blooming, people moving. I don't like it. Not one bit. Now I will say most of these things calling people away are things I'm really excited about, but I'm selfish and want to have my friends where I can see them, hug them, hang out, and share life every day not only hear and see them on Skype (although I'm also thankful for this wonderful invention!) So last night I found myself having a nightmare that another round of amazing friends were leaving. In addition to the rounds that have already left or are in the leaving process now. I know some of the leaving aren't going willingly, but it doesn't make the fact that they're going any easier. I know I shouldn't be the one complaining. I get to stay, but Houston isn't Houston without the wonderful people. So I find myself staying up way too late. Doing bizarre things like going to watch drag racing. All for cramming in the maximum amount of time with my friends who I will miss more than they know. I almost feel like I'm living in fear of the next train that is coming and taking my friends.
Now I won't be in Houston forever. Atleast that's not my plan. I do love it. I'm not sure what will call me away. Don't have plans of leaving, but don't know what or where or when I'll go on to something else. What about you? When are you leaving? What will call you away? OR if you aren't here yet, what are you waiting on? Come have fun with us!!
Sunday, March 21, 2010
better late than never.
Well as promised here are the pictures from my amazing new camera! Since I'm not great at updating I'm going to give you the top ten (in no particular order...that would take me knowing what I'm doing). Enjoy!
Number 10...Spring Break in Houston. Really good weather. Got to enjoy an afternoon at my favorite park, Discovery Green, just chatting and browsing with a friend.

Number 7....Amazing wedding and reception at the Museum of Natural Science. I am lucky to spend my days with this lovely lady.

Number 6...The kids getting ice cream with their rodeo money. Hilarious end to a fun day!

Number 5...Don't be surprised this is the 3rd rodeo picture. I went to the rodeo a lot this past month. This wasn't just an average rodeo though, it was the Matagorda County Rodeo and Fair. Action packed and up close and personal with the cowboys. Hee-Haw!

Number 4...My parents, sister, and niece came for a visit! I want them to come more often, it was so much fun. We went to another one of my favorite parks in the city, that I have a fear of sharing with other people or it's quaintness will be ruined. I'm sorry. I'm selfish with this one.

Number 3...Getting to spend time with this adorable child. I know it was also number 4, but she's cute with all of the jewelery she found at our house on while she was staying with us. She shares my love of purple and for that I'm extremely thankful!

Number 2...The amazing, wonderful, talented Harbor Light Choir came to my birthday dinner with friends. It was fun! I LOVE THEM! Just in case you weren't sure, they are my favorite.

number 1...closing ceremonies of the day in my classroom. Brilliant!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
coming soon...
I got my new camera that is a late Christmas gift in the mail today! Soon I will be back with photos my first plan for photos is the medal ceremonies in my classroom, they are the highlight of my teaching career thus far.
Friday, February 5, 2010
lovely things.
"Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things." philippians 4:8
things i think are lovely:
*my students - i love the 16 kids i spend my days with. today i was serenaded, had 3 pictures drawn for me and got about a 1,000 hugs. i also love when pieces start coming together and the kids get excited that they have learned how to read, write, spell, add, subtract, tell time! the twinkle in their eyes, the laughter, the smiles, i love them! i do.
*my friends - they are amazing, they share dinners with me. they share their kids with me. they share their birthdays, their time, their energy, their laughs, their joy, their wisdom, their prayers, their families, and lots and lots of love. i have felt surrounded by completely and totally wonderful, loving people and i love love love them! i love that they make my life better than it should be.
*my roommate(s) - i refuse to acknowledge the fact that just because megan lives on another continent that she also doesn't live in our home. i love that it still feels like she's such a part of our lives, and we still share so much of life together. praises for skype and email. i love, love, love sarah! she's amazing. she puts up with me and listens to me and laughs at me and with me. she prays with me and for me. she encourages me. she loves me and i love her. she's amazing.
*the salvation army! - i really have no words. i love, love, love going to the salvation army. whether it's at women and family or harbor light. i'm sure everyone in my life wishes i would shut up about how amazing salvation army is, but i'm sorry. i can't. i can't get enough. i love the directors, the employees, the clients, the choir, everyone! i love it.
*my family - if there were any possible way to rearrange the state of texas and make my parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, great aunts, great uncles, etc. would just be close enough to see regularly. january was amazing in the sense that i got to connect and spend time with so many of them. i loved it! i loved getting to know them, laugh with them, hear stories. i loved getting to hang out and eat dinner with my mom. i loved seeing my niece and hug her and play with her. i loved it. i want to be close to them, but i also don't want to leave my friends, city, students, life in houston.
*houston - houston is full of amazing people, experiences, fun! i can not wait to go sit at a park and journal once the weather gets a bit warmer and watch the amazing families playing in the spray fountains, see kids rolling down the hill at Hermann Park, and go to see free shows/concerts/operas at Miller and Discovery Green. not to mention the amazing food and how i can hang out with people all over the city.
*my students - i love the 16 kids i spend my days with. today i was serenaded, had 3 pictures drawn for me and got about a 1,000 hugs. i also love when pieces start coming together and the kids get excited that they have learned how to read, write, spell, add, subtract, tell time! the twinkle in their eyes, the laughter, the smiles, i love them! i do.
*my friends - they are amazing, they share dinners with me. they share their kids with me. they share their birthdays, their time, their energy, their laughs, their joy, their wisdom, their prayers, their families, and lots and lots of love. i have felt surrounded by completely and totally wonderful, loving people and i love love love them! i love that they make my life better than it should be.
*my roommate(s) - i refuse to acknowledge the fact that just because megan lives on another continent that she also doesn't live in our home. i love that it still feels like she's such a part of our lives, and we still share so much of life together. praises for skype and email. i love, love, love sarah! she's amazing. she puts up with me and listens to me and laughs at me and with me. she prays with me and for me. she encourages me. she loves me and i love her. she's amazing.
*the salvation army! - i really have no words. i love, love, love going to the salvation army. whether it's at women and family or harbor light. i'm sure everyone in my life wishes i would shut up about how amazing salvation army is, but i'm sorry. i can't. i can't get enough. i love the directors, the employees, the clients, the choir, everyone! i love it.
*my family - if there were any possible way to rearrange the state of texas and make my parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, grandparents, great aunts, great uncles, etc. would just be close enough to see regularly. january was amazing in the sense that i got to connect and spend time with so many of them. i loved it! i loved getting to know them, laugh with them, hear stories. i loved getting to hang out and eat dinner with my mom. i loved seeing my niece and hug her and play with her. i loved it. i want to be close to them, but i also don't want to leave my friends, city, students, life in houston.
*houston - houston is full of amazing people, experiences, fun! i can not wait to go sit at a park and journal once the weather gets a bit warmer and watch the amazing families playing in the spray fountains, see kids rolling down the hill at Hermann Park, and go to see free shows/concerts/operas at Miller and Discovery Green. not to mention the amazing food and how i can hang out with people all over the city.
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