Thursday, November 4, 2010

Life Lessons at the DMV

So I hate moving. I don't like it at all, this is why I committed to the pact of not moving out of the Heights until being married...unfortunately that pact was broken...and well I've moved. Moving is not fun even when it's just across town, but moving to a new state...or not even a state in my case is even more non-fun.

After reading online about the things needed to register your car, get your license switched over, all that I realized quickly, I didn't have all that I needed to do that. I've been trying to get all of that together and figure out where stuff was in the shuffle...but wasn't at the top of my priorities. That is until I found a cute little pink ticket decorating my windshield as a "warning" that I was in violation of the law. DC does not play around, this means I'm on my way to having a boot put on my car. So of course, knowing I don't have the paperwork I look into what are the alternatives. You know how an I-9 you can either do one item from list a or 2 items from list b and c? Well I look at the two items and am like great...basically I have 4 items. 4 should be good right?

No. There not good. Not good for the lady at the DMV this morning after waiting in line, getting my car inspected, standing in the cold rain (because although you can get your car inspected, which must happen first at 7 you can not pay for it at the DMV until 8:15). Nope not good. So when politely asking, "So how can I prevent from getting a ticket while getting these items together?" She stares blankly and says, "Get your stuff together and come back and get this taken care of."

Thank you, very not nice lady at the DMV.

So after whining about this, pretty much all day, I head to my newly found small group! We talked about the Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. We were talking and asking questions on what is the Kingdom of God...what does it look like? Although we left with a lot more questions than answers of what we should look like in that Kingdom I left for an appreciation knowing the Kingdom of God does not look like the DMV. I don't need to figure out all my "stuff" and "get it all together" in order to come...and how great of news is that?

1 comment:

  1. I feel your pain! I had a very similar experience in Houston when I first moved here and needed to get car stuff switched over. I'm pretty sure that experience ended with me in tears. I hate those kinds of things in new places, especially when you're dealing with the most unsympathetic people ever. You would think they'd hire people who could extend a little sympathy knowing that it's mostly new people unfamiliar with what's required.

    I like your final perspective, though. So glad you had a small group to go to! :-)
