My roommate and I had a brief stint at being fish "sitters" in December in the weeks leading up to Christmas. She had bought her nephew a Betta and we had made sure it was going to live and be an okay gift for him to handle, and decided that not only could he handle it, but that we could also handle it. We loved having him on our kitchen counter with the live plants it was just so much fun. So when I got back from Texas she had all the supplies for my new fishes home. Yesterday I went to pick out my fish. I'm so excited about him. He's really beautiful. I now need to name him. I have been given some great ideas by friends and family. You can either vote on one of these options or suggest your own.
So here are the options thus far...
Felix, Flippy, BB (to stand for the Bluebird of Happiness), Peyton , Blueberry, Bucky, Noriego, DC, Domino, Tiny Tim, Santiago, Say-rah, Houston, LePeep, Daybreaker, Chauncey, Francine
So please help me decide on one of these or your own brilliant idea!!