Well as promised here are the pictures from my amazing new camera! Since I'm not great at updating I'm going to give you the top ten (in no particular order...that would take me knowing what I'm doing). Enjoy!
Number 10...Spring Break in Houston. Really good weather. Got to enjoy an afternoon at my favorite park, Discovery Green, just chatting and browsing with a friend.

Number 7....Amazing wedding and reception at the Museum of Natural Science. I am lucky to spend my days with this lovely lady.

Number 6...The kids getting ice cream with their rodeo money. Hilarious end to a fun day!

Number 5...Don't be surprised this is the 3rd rodeo picture. I went to the rodeo a lot this past month. This wasn't just an average rodeo though, it was the Matagorda County Rodeo and Fair. Action packed and up close and personal with the cowboys. Hee-Haw!

Number 4...My parents, sister, and niece came for a visit! I want them to come more often, it was so much fun. We went to another one of my favorite parks in the city, that I have a fear of sharing with other people or it's quaintness will be ruined. I'm sorry. I'm selfish with this one.

Number 3...Getting to spend time with this adorable child. I know it was also number 4, but she's cute with all of the jewelery she found at our house on while she was staying with us. She shares my love of purple and for that I'm extremely thankful!

Number 2...The amazing, wonderful, talented Harbor Light Choir came to my birthday dinner with friends. It was fun! I LOVE THEM! Just in case you weren't sure, they are my favorite.

number 1...closing ceremonies of the day in my classroom. Brilliant!